So I recently started my new course at New College Durham and the first project we got was a logo project. In this project we are giving a load of names for potential businesses and what type of business it is and from that information come up with the logo and the brand identity for that business. Here is what i've come up with so far for a couple of the names.
The first two logos you see are for a catering company called Dish Catering. The idea behind the first one was I had a bowl or plate and sort of came around it that way and added in the text and the little side bit coming off it to make the design look that little bit more interesting to look at
This second idea for Dish Catering came from the food groups and the colours I would associate with those food groups so; green for fruit and vegetables, red for meets and then blue for fish.
The third logo you see is for the company name of Digital Sun which is a water sprinkler company. For this logo I researched into what sprinklers looked like and weather I could get an idea from that. After looking at different sprinklers I found that a normal garden sprinkler that anyone can by from a garden store would work well as it also looks similar to a sun. So I made the little graphic above the type look like a sprinkler and also a sun.
The last logo you see here is for the company name of Verb. I've found this to be one of the harder ones to do so far as Verb is a computer software engineers company. I found it difficult because when you think of computers and software you think of computer equipment such as monitors keyboards and mice and I wanted to stay away from the obvious. I also found out that from the software point of things you think of circuit boards which have a lot of detail in them which isn't something good for a logo as you want it to be simple and effective. But I had a brain wave a thought CLOUDS! As people are saving more things to the "cloud" such as iCloud and dropbox and so on I thought making the logo a cloud shape would represent computers and computer software, its also different as well.
Not all of these logos are complete and still need some work done to them in which i'll keep you up to date with as much as I can.
Feed back is welcome.